Llanwrtyd Wells walking groups.

Wednesday has two walking groups; one walks up to 15 miles, and the other does a leisurely 5 miles. The Walk leaders are Ken Chamberlain and Geoff Stickland. The Thursday group, also led by Ken Chamberlain, walks up to seven miles, and the lead is often shared among different members. If you want more details about meeting times and other detailed information about routes, reports, etc, please go to the Llanwrtyd Wells Walking Facebook page and www.llanwrtydwalkersarewelcome.com. Llanwrtyd Wells is a Walkers are Welcome town, and all groups would welcome new members.

Other Upcoming events and clubs in Llanwrtyd:

The Sewing Group meets every Wednesday at 2 pm at Victoria Hall.

Table Tennis every Monday at 7 pm, Bromsgrove Hall.

June 2024 Events 

  • 1st-Gardening Club Plant sale in Victoria Hall
  • 1st-Cencert at the Heritage Centre 7.30pm
  • 5th-Man V Horse Marshalss Briefing, Victoria Hall, 7pm
  • 8th-Wholearth Man V Horse race. Starts at 11 am from the Town square.
  • 16th- Welsh National Tractor Run
  • 18th- Community Lunch at St james from 12.30pm
  • 22nd-Llanwrtyd in Bloom Judging
  • 22nd-Drovers Walks, 12 and 20 miles.
  • 22nd-Charity Gig, Hugo and the Stone Dogs, Stonecroft 8pm
  • 26th-Llanwrtyd Wells Festival Quiz at the Stonecroft
  • 27th-Festival Car Treasure Hunt
  • 28th-Children’s Disco at Bromsgrove Hall
  • 29th-Carnival Day from 1.30pm
  • 30th-Film Night Victoria 7.30pm