CymraegAlongside the other community activities these purely social groups also welcome members:

Ladies Groups

There are two ladies groups in the area: Merched y Bont that meets in Llanwrtyd and Irfon Valley Country Women that meets in Beulah.

Merched y Bont

Around 30 members meet once a month in the Victoria Hall, Llanwrtyd, to enjoy a social evening on the second Thursday of each month

Each month there’s a talk by a visiting speaker or a demonstration or activity based on a variety of subjects. Some are about serious issues but many are simply good fun providing members with lots of laughter and attempts to pick up new skills.

Every July is an outdoor meeting to visit a variety of interesting places locally or further afield.

We hold fundraising events for local causes.

Our members also contribute regularly to community events. Our sandwich making for the Man versus Horse Marathon and other half marathons held in the town is legendary.

Merched y Bont welcomes new people who have moved into the area and who want to make new friends and acquaintances. Each meeting concludes with refreshments which is a good time to enjoy each other’s company.

Irfon Valley Country Women

The group meets on the third Thursday of each month in the Reading Room in Beulah to listen to a variety of speakers, to watch and participate in art and craft techniques or enjoy a quiz, team games or an outdoor visit.

Traditionally the August meeting is set aside for a harvest supper where members and guests enjoy a home cooked supper.

In September a popular annual trip takes place culminating in an enjoyable meal on the journey home and in December a Christmas get-together allows members to celebrate this special time of year.

We are a very informal and friendly group and new members and guests are always welcome.

Irfon Valley Country Women celebrated its 25th anniversary in January 2019. Originally the group was formed to make use of the newly renovated Abergwesyn Hall.

This renovation was the result of a monumental fundraising effort by the community and the group was just one of a number of social activities that started. It was, and still is, patronised by ladies not only from Abergwesyn but also from the surrounding area.

Thursday Clubs

There are separate Thursday Clubs, one meeting in Llanwrtyd and the other in Beulah.

Llanwrtyd Wells Thursday Club

This is a social club primarily for retired people. Meetings are held every first and third Thursday afternoon of the month at the Belle Vue Hotel.

We invite guest speakers to come to our meetings to talk about their professions or interests. Sometimes a member who has been on holiday shows slides of his or her trip.

The meetings offer members the opportunity to socialise and enjoy afternoon tea. Twice a year, in May and December, everyone has lunch together.

We always welcome new members, especially retired people who have recently moved to the town. It is an excellent opportunity to meet new friends and acquaintances.

In 2017 the Club celebrated its 40th anniversary and a certificate was presented to mark the occasion by Mr Peter James (Mayor) on behalf of the Town Council.

Beulah Thursday Club

This is held every forth Thursday afternoon in the month at 2.30pm in the Reading Room opposite The Trout Inn.

Although the Club is mainly for retired folk we are open to anyone who would like to come along and enjoy a talk by a guest speaker or an activity.

We always end with a lovely tea and time to chat, share news, see old friends and make new ones.